Saturday, 30 October 2010

Blog assignment 2

Dear students,

It's time for the second out of three blog assignments:

- Point your browser to,
- click on the ► button in the video clip box,
- give Annie Leonard's presentation 20 minutes of your undivided attention,
- comment freely on what you've just heard and seen (as a whole or in part, and in as much detail as you like), and
- post your entry by Thursday 18 November.

Enjoy your viewing and blogging,


Thursday, 7 October 2010

Next, read and react to peer entries!

Dear students,

Thanks for the interesting thoughts you've shared with us so far - keep them coming!

Your next e-mission is to browse blog entries on the "snooping" theme via the 'Blogging students' section on the right and then comment on the thoughts of your next-door neighbours (that is, the one listed right above you and the one listed right below you) + at least one other listed student of your choice. You're free to comment on whatever aspect(s) you want (including linguistic ones if you feel competent/confident enough) in as much detail as you like.

If your next-door neighbour(s) should fail to meet the posting deadline, it's no longer your duty (but still your right) to comment on their work. As long as you comment on at least three blog assignment 1 entries in total by Thursday 21 October, you can safely choose to ignore overdue ones.

Susan and I will take turns reading all your blog entries + comments even if we're unable to actually mark and comment on anything besides your regular coursework.

Enjoy your reading and commenting,
